The Olympic Peninsula – Road to Hurricane Ridge

Port Angeles to Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center

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Motorists can drive the spectacular highway to Hurricane Ridge with an interesting group of experts, including tribal elders, scientists and park rangers, along for the ride. This economical and timely travel guide enriches the touring experience with intriguing facts, stories and legends of Olympic National Park.

Visitors and locals alike will find The Road to Hurricane Ridge an easy audio program to enjoy. The first in a series of self-guided tours of Olympic National Park, the detailed narrative allows motorists to get the absolute most out of their trip. The tour begins at the entrance to the Park and winds its way through the stunning views of the Olympics as the road climbs 3400 feet over seventeen miles to the Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center. Gentle acoustical background music and authentic sounds of the forest enhances the story telling.

Along the way the audio tour shares historical information that spans from primordial times to the present, including the areas violent and often frigid (20 separate glacial periods) geological history Drive this spectacular highway with an interesting group along for the ride, including a naturalist, an anthropologist, two tribal elders and three park rangers.

“I drove up to Hurricane Ridge this morning, listening to the tape. It’s a really wonderful product and will help visitors better understand our park.” Michael Smithson, Olympic National Park